Wednesday, 27 April 2011

Words of Wisdom

Whenever you want to binge, read through these and really think: 'Do I NEED that food?'

·         Thin is Always in.
·         Perfect body, perfect soul.
·         A moment on the lips, forever on the hips.
·         You don’t need food.
·         Fat people can’t fit anywhere.
·         Guy's will be able to lift you up with the slightest of ease.
·         You'll be the beautiful Skinny one, not the fat ugly one.
·         Guys will automatically want to get to know you, due to how beautiful you are.
·         Willpower, you have it, fat people don't!
·         Models are the epitome of perfection, are they fat?
·         Too many people are overweight; you don't have to be one of them.
·         Be beautiful inside & out.
·         Thin is sleek and graceful.
·         Starve off the excess which you don't need.
·         Nothing tastes as good as thin feels.
·         You could look good in anything, you could wear anything.
·         Fat people sweat and smell bad.
·         Girls will envy you.
·         Beauty Queen or Dairy queen.
·         You don't need food.
·         Be light as air.
·         See your beautiful pure bones.
·         Those who skip dinner, end up thinner.
·         Listen to your heart, not your stomach.
·         If you’re not thin, you’re fat.
·         The heart wants what it wants; Mine wants to be perfect.
·         I'm not there yet but I'm closer than I was yesterday.
·         If it tastes good it's trying to kill you.
·         It doesn't matter how slowly you long as you don't stop.
·         Every time you say "No” to food you say "Yes” to thin.
·         Eat to live, don't live to eat.
·         Hunger hurts, but starving works.
·         The difference between want and need is self control.
·         What nourishes me also destroys me.
·         Don't do anything today that you'll regret tomorrow.

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