I was one of those people who cannot keep within her limits. If I said to myself, only eat 500 calories or less, I was extremely tempted to go over the limit. But now I think of it this way, only eat when you feel faint and when you do, only eat a quarter of the food you have. Imagine how guilty you'll feel when you eat that. Imagine the amount of fat in your body. Did you know that a creme egg has the same amount of fat as an entire loaf of bread with butter on both sides of each slice? Doesn't that make you sick? When I feel hungry I imagine melting butter in a pan and swallowing it all, that really puts me off because I can't stand butter. Find something that makes you feel sick when you think about it and imagine eating it.
Please do not purge, it's bad for your teeth and can do extreme damage to your body.
If you really crave something, chew it up and spit it out. That way you can satisfy your taste buds and not take in all of it's calories.
Stay inspired!
This is the winner of America's next top model 2010
Ann Ward (possibly has the smallest waist in the world)
I love this one
She is a natural beauty, tall and slim. My ultimate thinspiration.
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